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Review: Infrared - Saviours

Label: Independent
Year released: 2018
Duration: 51:19
Tracks: 8
Genre: Heavy/Thrash


Review online: June 10, 2018
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (11 Votes)

MetalMike reviewed this band's debut a couple of years ago, but at the time I didn't realize that this was a local band. Now we have the follow-up, Saviours, and it's been on my playlist for a while now. The band formed in the mid-80s and the old school, traditional metal influences can certainly be heard here but Infrared seem to have opted for a more modern sound overall – not a crappy modern sound, just to be clear.

These guys play a heavy/thrash hybrid that's highly melodic and at times is so damn catchy, some of the songs just stick in your head after the first listen. The singer has a bit of a harsh voice but he carries the melodies very well, just adding more fuel to the fire when it comes to the material's catchiness. There are quite a few slow-ish passages, but they're always accompanied by a descent into a pounding, thrashy onslaught with some cool classic metal soloing. "All in Favour" is not only guaranteed to get stuck in your head, but this has to be a must-play at their live show as it's one of those songs that begs for the crowd to join in.

Infrared's material is not flabbergasting, but it's well executed and I'm sure a lot of bands wish they could write such catchy songs while keeping a raw and aggressive edge.

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