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Review: Iron Jaws - Declaration of War
Iron Jaws
Declaration of War

Label: Pure Steel Records
Year released: 2021
Duration: 47:34
Tracks: 12
Genre: Speed/Thrash


Review online: May 23, 2021
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.8/5 (76%) (5 Votes)

This Italian band presents some very heavy speed/thrash on Declaration of War. The previous album, 2013's Guilty of Ignorance, unfortunately slipped through the cracks and based on what I'm hearing here, I'm going to have to go back and rectify the situation.

There is not one dull moment on this album. From beginning to end, the album is filled with fast, heavy speed/thrash that's firmly rooted in the '80s, but with a modern touch that prevents it from sounding dated. The vocals are visceral, reminding me quite a bit of Dan Beehler of Exciter, slicing through your ear drums just like the razor-sharp, loud guitars and the pounding drums that make the walls shake. It's one of those albums with such a full sound and with so much power in the delivery that it sounds loud even with the volume down, if you get my drift. A lot of this stuff is quite catchy and, even when it's not, it's still material that'll get the head banging, the fist in the air and the air instruments going. Several of the riffs here have been stuck in my head since the first time I heard the album. Don't expect anything overly original, but that's so irrelevant when the music is so good.

More about Iron Jaws...
Review: Declaration of War (reviewed by MetalMike)
Review: Guilty of Ignorance (reviewed by MetalMike)
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