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Review: Insania - V (Praeparatus Supervivet)
V (Praeparatus Supervivet)

Label: Frontiers Records
Year released: 2021
Duration: 1:04:02
Tracks: 11
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: February 4, 2022
Reviewed by: MetalMike
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.75/5 (75%) (4 Votes)

It still amazes me when I find a power metal band that has been around nearly 30 years and I’ve never heard of them. It made more sense when I saw Sweden’s Insania hadn’t released an album since 2007 before their fifth effort, V (Praeparatus Supervivet), found its way into my review queue. These guys are doing nothing new, whether it be the high vocals and double-kick drumming of "Solur" which had me thinking of Ukraine’s Conquest, "Like a Rising Star" with its flashy leads and Kiske-era Helloween singing, or "Prometheus Rise" that is a dead ringer for the bombastic yet moody stuff you can count on from Mob Rules. They even lift the riff from Iron Maiden’s "Quest for Fire" on "The Last Hymn to Life" to the point where I was half-convinced it was going to be a cover until the chorus went off in a different direction. If you are going to ape an established sound (though these guys have been around since 1992, maybe they invented some of this stuff), you’d better do it well and that’s the strength of Insania. They sound like other bands but at the same time they sound excellent, which means they aren’t really aping at all, they are just taking established styles and creating new songs within that framework that are very well done, indeed. If you are into Euro-style power metal. V (Praeparatus Supervivet) is going to be right up your alley.

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