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Review: Inhuman Condition - Fearsick
Inhuman Condition

Label: Listenable Insanity Records
Year released: 2022
Duration: 40:09
Tracks: 9
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: November 7, 2022
Reviewed by: Micah.Ram
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (5 Votes)

Inhuman Condition, a Death Metal band from Florida known for being formed by three ex-Massacre musicians, have been keeping up a very healthy pace with two full-lengths and even now an EP of covers to their name despite having formed only in 2020. With such a rapid pace of work, it is reasonable to have concerns about release quality. However, one thing I can state right now is that quality is not a concern at all so far. There may, however, be another issue with Fearsick though, as we will soon discuss.

The band's name comes from an early release by Massacre, the EP called Inhuman Condition, which features a track of that title. To say that Massacre serves as a blueprint for what you will expect to hear on modern-day Inhuman Condition's material is perhaps an understatement. Other bands whose sounds come to mind as one listens to Fearsick as well as the first album, Rat°God, are bands such as Benediction, Obituary, Gruesome, and the like.

What the band does extremely well is play with great precision, and the dry and clear mixing job does a great job highlighting that. Rhythm guitar rifles forward with a nimble yet sinister sense of direction and is frequently met and intertwined with short and addictive lead riffing which combines intricate palm-muted playing with legato playing, giving it a light and heavy texture all in one cool package. The very start of the record showcases this variety of precise picking including pull-offs and palm-muted picking with the first sounds of opener "The Mold Testament." From this point on, you already know exactly what kind of record this will be as this kind of riffing dominates the record. Also worth noting is the band's willingness to slow things down and drag the knuckles deeper such as in tracks like "Hellucid" and "Wound Collector," among others. Perhaps it is notable that those were my favorite moments, as it marks a noticeable change from a sound that frequently feels monotonous if one is not listening deeply.

If groovy old school Death Metal that doesn't ever grind at blistering speeds and instead pulverizes with simplicity and intricacy sounds like your thing, this album is no doubt for you. It should also be noted that Fearsick does not deliver a single new element to the band's delivery found on the previous album, Rat°God. You could essentially pick up one of these albums and not really need the other. This may be my biggest criticism, as I would have liked to see the band take more risks and try something different this time around. Still, this is a very solid, no-frills Death Metal experience that will always feel great while it's on.

More about Inhuman Condition...
Interview with bassist Terry Butler on May 12, 2021 (Interviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)
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