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Review: Necromutilator - Oath of Abhorrence
Oath of Abhorrence

Label: Osmose Productions
Year released: 2022
Duration: 33:07
Tracks: 8
Genre: Death/Thrash


Review online: December 13, 2022
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.25/5 (65%) (4 Votes)

This is some decent blackened death/thrash out of Italy. The band has been around since 2009, a little before this genre got way overcrowded, but this is my first time hearing them. This is good stuff but there's nothing that really stands out (good luck really standing out when countless other bands are crowding the room) and I found the album to be good while it's on, but it doesn't leave a lasting impression. It's one of those albums I'll put on while doing something else and it won't get in the way. That's not necessarily a bad thing—you need some albums like that or you'd never get anything done. I must mention the vocals, a raspy growl that I found quite addictive and the only thing that really caught my attention. So this is not bad by any means, but Oath of Abhorrence is just one of many decent albums in the genre.

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