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Review: The Accüsed - Oh Martha!
The Accüsed
Oh Martha!

Label: Condar Records
Year released: 2005
Duration: 28:20
Tracks: 14
Genre: Thrash Metal


Review online: March 6, 2007
Reviewed by: Lars Christiansen
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (9 Votes)

Re-forming and re-appearing again after a hefty 14 year absence, The Accused successfully soar back onto the old Bay Area crossover scene with their very own brand of 'Splatter Rock' with this, their seventh release 'Oh Martha'. Martha, of course, being a certain Ms Splatterhead herself, the band's gory-headed mascot (the cross-over world equivalent of Iron Maidens Eddie I suppose).

Sprinkled throughout with samples of horror movies similarly to Mortician and with similarly themed lyrics to match, The Accused haven't changed their thrashy roots one iota from day one, sounding like a cross between DRI and Exodus (vocally, very much like ex-Exodus vocalist Steve Souza in fact!). Speed-ridden thrashing guitars and a pounding bass heavy rhythm sections are abound, recalling Municipal Waste one more than one occasion, and not just due to the great production job. The gang vocals and insane thrash of 'Life Kills On', could quite easily have been a song missed off of Anthrax's 'Among the Living', and the quality of song writing is pretty much consistent throughout too, which is pretty surprising for a band that hasn't released an album for years (that said, I guess they've had plenty of writing time!).

Anyhow, if the thrashier side of cross-over still floats your boat, and the resurgence of bands like the aforementioned Anthrax is your bag, you could do a lot worse than picking this savage little blood spattered rottweiler up to revive that old Bay Area feeling in your heart.

More about The Accüsed...
Review: The Curse of Martha Splatterhead (reviewed by Sargon the Terrible)
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