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Review: Thy Majestie - The Lasting Power
Thy Majestie
The Lasting Power

Label: Scarlet Records
Year released: 2000
Duration: 54:40
Tracks: 15
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: January 5, 2001
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.73/5 (74.67%) (15 Votes)

Ok, those guys really are asking for it: They're Italian and they play symphonic metal. It doesn't matter what they do, they're going to be compared to Rhapsody. One may wonder why, because to these ears, that's where the similarities end. I found Thy Majestie's first offering to be quite different from whatever Rhapsody have released. Thy Majestie's music is less "in your face", slower, the album is structured differently with more instrumental and spoken passages. The music is less overwhelming, yet does have its effect at times. Clearly, they'll have to do more on their second album if they really want to distinguish themselves, especially now that more and more bands are jumping on the symphonic metal bandwagon with a varying degree of success. The booklet is quite complete, with all lyrics and spoken passages.

The Lasting Power is a very good first album and it will be interesting to see what they come up with for the next one. The basics and the talent are there, let's see if they can distinguish themselves from the crowd.

Why not make up your own opinion? Thy Majestie are on so you can check out their sound before you buy. There is also some demo material there that is worth checking out.

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