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Review: Taake - Bjoergvin

Label: Avantgarde Music
Year released: 2002
Duration: 39:12
Tracks: 7
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: April 19, 2002
Reviewed by: Christian Renner
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Rated 4.3/5 (86%) (30 Votes)

This album was a complete shock to me when I first heard it. After looking at the cover and seeing some guy standing in front of a forest, holding some chains and covered in corpse paint I thought I would be subjected to more of the ho hum trOO black metal that I have become more than a little bored with. This is a perfect case for not judging a book by its cover. This album simply grabs you by the throat, slaps you around and doesn’t let up for another 39 minutes… :)

I have said before that I am not a big fan of black metal in general but I do like some of what the genre has to offer (Immortal, Destroyer 666, Old Mans Child to name a few). If you haven’t noticed there is a quality these bands share. Good production with some catchy guitar riffs that at least attempt to draw you into the music. Taake’s new album is in the same vein as the aforementioned bands and more. The vocals are what you would expect and the guitars really kick some ass but the true star of this album is the excellent songwriting and arrangements. Never once does this album get boring for even a second. I think the biggest thing that drew me into this album is the use of what I call the big stupid riff. A guitar riff that isn’t overly difficult to play but just forces you to grit your teeth and smile. Almost every song on this album includes at least one of these (kind of reminiscent of the breakdown sections in old school thrash

The only problem I could find with this album may not even be a problem when I come to think of it. On track 3 around the 3:00 minute mark there is a sample thrown in that sounds like spring from an old Roadrunner cartoon. The "boing" noise (for lack of a better description) adds absolutely nothing to the song whatsoever and seems either to be an afterthought of boredom in the studio or something done with extreme forethought. The noise is so out of place that you can't help but remember it and maybe this was the thought process from the beginning. It is certainly something I will never forget and if this was done for that particular reason I have to admit it worked.. :)

Overall one of the best black metal albums I have ever heard and one that even people with only a slight interest in the genre will also enjoy. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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