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Review: Nominon - Monumentomb

Label: Deathgasm Records
Year released: 2010
Duration: 39:53
Tracks: 9
Genre: Death/Thrash


Review online: May 29, 2010
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
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Rated 4.05/5 (80.95%) (21 Votes)

As reliable as they are reactionary, Nominon spit out another opus of their venomous Death/Thrash mayhem. It can be hard to write about these albums, as they have no gimmicks, no flash to make them stand out, and they certainly have no pretensions to art or higher meaning. Nominon are just a kick-ass band who make kick-ass music, and their Dismember-meets-Sodom style of deathly thrashing never gets old. Hell, it wasn't new to begin with, as every album they remind you of is at least 20 years old. Nominon invent nothing, add nothing, and progress nowhere; but they churn out killer headbang fuel and that's all I want from them. You go on and have your 'experimental' bands with your 'progressive' songwriting – Nominon will be waiting in the basement to stab you in the face.

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