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Review: Terrifier - Weapons of Thrash Destruction
Weapons of Thrash Destruction

Label: Test Your Metal Records
Year released: 2017
Duration: 42:23
Tracks: 9
Genre: Thrash Metal


Review online: December 19, 2016
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (12 Votes)

Well, damn. I wish I had heard about Terrifier before. These thrashers hail from Kelowna, British Columbia and play an old-school brand of Thrash (the cover art is kind of a spoiler), though there's a hint of modern in their sound. Don't worry; when it comes to Thrash, I usually mean that in a bad way, but here it has more to do with a speed and precision more common to some modern bands than those from the 80s, where this band is rather firmly rooted.

Weapons of Thrash Distraction is not exactly original in any way, but I don't think that's what the band was aiming at. What it doesn't have in originality, it more than makes up for in terms of speed and aggressiveness. It's a pedal-to-the-metal thrash-o-rama and these guys do it with a take-no-prisoners attitude. You'll hear the evil badassery of old Slayer mixed with the speed and cleanliness of Master of Puppets-era Metallica and with a hint of crossover Thrash here and there on this one. All in all, a fun album that just makes you want to hit "play" again.

More about Terrifier...
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