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Review: Haunt - Windows of Your Heart
Windows of Your Heart

Label: Church Recordings
Year released: 2022
Duration: 39:50
Tracks: 10
Genre: Heavy Metal


Review online: August 10, 2022
Reviewed by: MetalMike
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (6 Votes)

Since Trevor William Church (also in Beastmaker and Devil Cross as of August 2022) formed Haunt in 2017, the band has been one-man-black-metal-band prolific. They’ve released six full-length albums (some re-recordings of earlier releases) and several EPs, splits, and compilations and now we have album number seven, Windows of Your Heart. The style has remained a consistent early ‘80s blend of New Wave of British Heavy Metal D.I.Y. energy and ‘70s heavy/acid rock vibe. It’s a simple, catchy formula that aims to stick the choruses of tracks like "Mercenaries" and "Frozen in Time" (which originally appeared on their debut Burst Into Flame) directly into your cerebral cortex and does so with great effectiveness. Lots of new material is not often a bad thing, but the downside of all this productivity is a lack of any distinctiveness between Windows of Your Heart and predecessors like Mosaic Vision and Luminous Eyes. It’s like Church had a half-dozen albums’ worth of songs when he started the band, all from the same songwriting binge and he’s releasing them 5-10 at a time every six months or so. I don’t dislike Windows of Your Heart and, if you like their previous material, there’s no reason to think you won’t like it either, but it is just the band treading water and releasing the same sounding songs they’ve given us multiple times already.

More about Haunt...
Review: Burst into Flame (reviewed by MetalMike)
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