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Review: Falconer - Falconer

Label: Metal Blade Records
Year released: 2001
Duration: 51:44
Tracks: 10
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: October 20, 2001
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.18/5 (83.64%) (55 Votes)

A new power metal band... Don't stop reading just yet. Falconer actually do not sound like every other power metal band out there. The one thing that is very noticeable is the vocalist. Love or hate situation? I'm not sure, but a lot of people love his voice, some hate it. He does have a very good voice but it somehow seems out of place with this kind of music, especially in the first three songs (there are a couple of passages in the first song where I just feel like throwing the CD out the window...) Things get better starting with "A Quest For The Crown" which has a more medieval sound, more suited to the vocals (and vice versa) and also in later songs he does a good job. He has a very soft voice that is hard to match with fast and somewhat aggressive music - the voice just lacks an aggressive edge and that waters down the music a bit. I guess this one is really a matter of taste.

Musically, this is a very good album, thankfully not overdoing the double bass drum. The guitar work is very pleasant to listen to, very melodic and catchy with some interesting solos. While the music has an overall "positive" feeling to it, it is not as overwhelmingly "happy sounding" as some other power metal acts and is therefore better balanced in my opinion. Overall very well-played, no complaints there. I wish some parts were more forward in the mix though, as the vocals sometimes overshadow the music a little too much.

Favorite songs: "A Quest For The Crown", "Mindtraveller" and "Substitutional World". Also worth noting is the excellent cover art, very detailed and the lack of many colors makes for an interesting effect. This is an album I do recommend but I suggest listening to some samples first, as the vocals are pretty "unique". Also, do not expect to see Falconer live any time soon as it is a studio band only.

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