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Review: Svart - Namnlös Och Bortglömd
Namnlös Och Bortglömd

Label: Frostscald Records
Year released: 2010
Duration: 24:52
Tracks: 3
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: September 25, 2010
Reviewed by: Pagan Shadow
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (4 Votes)

Like the previous Svart albums I reviewed, Namnlös och Bortglömd contains only three compositions. Unlike Förlorad, the tracks are shorter, in the eight minutes range to be more specific.

This EP is pretty much in the same vein as its predecessor. I really enjoy the slower, much slower pace treatment that was given those tunes. Slow/doom/funeral doom type of tempos does not in itself create the ambience, although it greatly helps conveying it. Here too, a melancholic and depressive edge is omnipresent on these songs. The ghostly/desperate, and at times tortured, rasps are greatly helping to create that ambience. Slow paces, distorted guitar work, harmoniously sad arpeggios, punchy drums and the great vocals combine to form truly dark scenery. The closing title track differs from the other two. For one thing, it is an instrumental piece without any percussion. Mostly played on piano, this is a dramatic/atmospheric, still sadly melodic composition. The lower keys play the drama while the higher notes take care of the melody of unhappiness. I believe some guitar work with effects, or some keyboards, were used to add a grayish tone to the overall darkness.

So yes, Namnlös Och Bortglömd is another fine piece of Scandinavian black metal arts.

More about Svart...
Review: Förlorad (reviewed by Pagan Shadow)
Review: Vanära, Vanmakt Och Avsmak (reviewed by Pagan Shadow)
Review: Varan Tid Ar Förbi (reviewed by Pagan Shadow)
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