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Review: Falconer - Armod

Label: Metal Blade Records
Year released: 2011
Duration: 49:44
Tracks: 11
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: September 8, 2011
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (20 Votes)

I never got into the Falconer bandwagon back in the day – in fact I only ever checked out their first album, and on that one the singer had rubbed me the wrong way. Fast forward 10 years and I decided to give their new one a try. Armod is some seriously folky Power Metal, to the point where one could almost say it is really Folk with Power Metal attached to it. The songs are sung in their native language this time around, which for someone speaking any other language adds a lot to the folk vibe.

As far as Power Metal alone goes, this is not all that different from what a lot of European Power Metal bands do, albeit it is very well done and whenever the metal kicks in with blasting drums and speedy guitars, one can't help but go into full headbanging mode. What sets Armod apart is the aforementioned Folk which is very much entrenched in the compositions and is done so well that it feels like you're listening to a tale of the Middle Ages or something – very lively, poignant stuff. The first half of "O, Tysta Ensamhet" is one of those moments where the singer takes the center stage and his vocals here will really grab you. The whole album has that epic feel that many bands attempting the feat wish they could make sound so authentic.

Having not heard Falconer since their debut, I can't make comparisons to their more recent work, but Armod is one hell of a slab of up-beat Power Metal that folks so hard, it'll throw you back in time a few hundred years for 50 minutes. Recommended.

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