Interview with Alex Lackner (guitars)
Interview conducted by Jason Cominetto
Date online: March 14, 2009
Greetings Lazarus A.D.! Your new album, The Onslaught, is now out, and I must say it is amazing. Can you give a little insight on the process of recording this album?
Thank you. Yeah initially we went in to record it with Chris Djuricic in '07. He recorded it and mixed it. Then we had sent it to James Murphy to have it mastered. Once Metal Blade picked us up we all decided to have it remixed and mastered. So we sent it back to James and he made it sound amazing.
How has the feedback for the album been so far?
Really good actually. There are a lot of really enthusiastic reviews. We're all really glad people like it this much. Revolver gave it a four out of five stars. So I'd say that's pretty damn good.
The Onslaught is a re-release, as it was originally released in 2007 and was self-released, correct? How is this new take on the album different from the original release?
Yes that is correct. The songs were remixed and mastered and sound way better. Almost as if we re-recorded them. The layout of the album is different. New cover, new pictures in the booklet. We actually switched around a couple of the songs. All the music is the same; everything is just revamped to give it the sound it really needed.
Seeing as it was originally released two years ago, do you guys have enough material to start thinking about writing a new album?
We are writing new material but we do take our time when writing because it has to be good. We have about four songs ready to go. Unfortunately we won't be hitting the studio for a while still. We really want to focus on supporting "The Onslaught" by touring for a long while. Then we'll deliver another album. If you see us on the road you might just hear some newer stuff.
Metal Blade Records is one of the biggest and most respected record labels in metal. How does it feel to be supported by the same guys that house bands like Cannibal Corpse and Behemoth?
It's a damn good feeling. These guys are family and they've been doing great things for us. We know they have confidence in us. It's a very good partnership. There are big things in all of our futures.
What artists do you guys feel you draw the most inspiration from?
Metallica, Testament, Slayer, and Pantera. Those are the best in our book. But inspiration can come from anywhere. We see them more as influences. They are what inspired us back in the day when we first got into playing music.
Is there a general theme that presides over your music?
Not necessarily. There is a lot of meaning behind all of it. But our music is definitely powerful. And we will keep it that way.
The original name for your band was simply Lazarus. Why the name change?
Well, there was another band out of New York that had the name. We had asked them if there was any way of allowing us to keep it solely ours. But instead of a simple no they sent us letters saying if we don't change it we'll be going to court. So we said fuck it, added the A.D., and placed them on the backburner. It really makes no difference to us. A name doesn't make you, you make the name.Two songs on The Onslaught, "Revolution" and "Rebirth," are songs in a two-part "story." Can you explain the premise behind these two songs and how they intertwine? What story do these songs tell?
Basically "Revolution" is about the upbringing of a nation that is run by a government that starts to destroy everything the nation had built. the government does what it wants and doesn't worry about its people. "Rebirth" is the stand-off between the people and its higher power. The people regain control by taking away everything the government based itself upon, leaving the people back where they started as a whole nation.
I notice that throughout your music you guys seem to use triplets a lot, which sounds awesome and is extremely metal. Even better, you guys play them at breakneck speeds with ridiculous accuracy. So, what exercises do you guys do to get your hands, or feet if you're Ryan, to be able to play this music with such ease?
Yeah we really enjoy them. Practice, practice, practice! We use a metronome to practice with individually, like we work off of each other. That way we know what to expect from one another. Plus when your influences are Metallica, Testament, and Slayer you tend to have a sense of speed. Ryan has been playing drums for a long time and grew up learning tricks of the trade from listening to Neal Peart of Rush. Being able to play that allowed him to venture into his own territories. Again, more Slayer!
Do you guys plan on touring to support this new album?
Definitely! We have a tour lined up right now for April with Amon Amarth, Goatwhore, and Skeletonwitch. It should be a damn good one. After that we'll have more set up and be on the road for months. We really want to get "The Onslaught" to the masses.
Is there anything fans of Lazarus A.D. should be looking forward to in the future?
New music. Bigger tours. Parties. You know, the essentials. Haha.
Sounds great, keep up the great work guys!
Other information about Lazarus A.D. on this site |
Review: The Onslaught |
Review: The Onslaught |
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Review: Black Rivers Flow |
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