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Interviews Infernäl Mäjesty

Interview with vocalist Chris Bailey and guitarist Kenny Hallman

Interview conducted by Luxi Lahtinen

Date online: November 21, 2015

Canadian thrashers Infernäl Mäjesty have earned a reputation as one of the cornerstones of Canadian Thrash Metal. Their debut album, None Shall Defy, released nearly 30 years ago is still hailed as one of the finest Canadian Thrash Metal albums of all time.

Since the days of None Shall Defy it hasn't been an easy road for Infernäl Mäjesty. The band's second album, Unholier Than Thou, was released in 1998 on Canada's Hypnotic Records. Unholier Than Thou did not enjoy the same success as the debut but the 11 years between albums allowed some people to let Infernäl Mäjesty slip off the radar. Six years after Unholier Than Thou Infernäl Mäjesty's third album, One Who Points to Death, was unleashed on Greek label Black Lotus Records and that's when the band's road started to get even bumpier. As the band was recording their fourth album, Systematical Extermination, it became apparent Black Lotus Records wouldn't be giving them any money for the album recordings. Instead of fighting constantly with the label, Infernäl Mäjesty recorded the Demon God EP in 2007, which they mostly sold at their gigs. Eventually, Black Lotus Records went bankrupt. Infernäl Mäjesty was in an "on/off" state right after the Demon God EP and only made rare concert appearances in their home country.

In mid-April 2015 Infernäl Mäjesty launched an official Facebook page hosted by original vocalist Chris Bailey. Infernäl Mäjesty was back with guitarists Kenny Hallman and Steve Terror from the original None Shall Defy line-up in the band. The guys have been quietly working on their new album, No God, which will serve as a rebirth of this legendary Canadian Thrash Metal institution.

The Metal Crypt threw several questions in the band's direction and both Chris and Kenny were kind enough to answer, providing some detailed updates as to what's going in the Infernäl Mäjesty camp at the moment and how the future looks as well...

Luxi: How are things in Vancouver these days? Do you feel like the world is ready for Infernäl Mäjesty's "new coming"?

Chris: I believe the world is ready Luxi. I believe the world needs us now more than ever, LOL! Seriously though, for us in many was this is a new coming; the rebirth of Infernäl Mäjesty.

Luxi: It's been a while since the last Infernäl Mäjesty album, One Who Points to Death, was released 11 long years ago, eh? Undoubtedly a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then and many things have happened inside the Infernäl Mäjesty camp. Would you mind giving us a recap of those eleven years and why it took such a long to get the wheels rolling again? Some people may have been thinking the band was no more during this period...

Chris: Sorry about that everyone. It won't happen again. We were just in suspended animation. We've had so much support from the Vancouver Metal legions since we arrived 17 yrs ago that I have to give them a huge amount of the credit for keeping us alive. I didn't want to go public until I knew we were on firm footing with No God. It gave me enough confidence to move forward to start the official Infernäl Mäjesty Facebook page, YouTube Channel, Twitter feed and anywhere else I could spread the word with some raw uncut song tasters from No God. I was also hoping to raise some eyebrows with the "House of War" video trailer.

When One Who Points to Death came out the advantages of social media weren't as widely available yet so I didn't waste time letting anyone who cared know that we were up and running, working on recording our newest offering. Before we started writing No God I was back in Ontario working with my friends on songs for our band Anthropophagy. By the way, our Rough Cuts 4-song EP is up now on our Anthropophagy Facebook page, YouTube Channel and on Bandcamp. Our debut album will be released before Christmas. Mark Hamilton from Sinisfear is on the drums. Daniel Mackenzie is on bass with Richard McMurray and Mike Andrzejewski on guitars. I would keep my eye on this but as I was saying, I was back in Ontario where I made my decision to go after One Who Points to Death which was one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make. I was at a pay phone at a small convenience store just on the outskirts of town with my car packed, ready to start my drive back to Vancouver and talking to Steve on the phone when the decision was made. In the book I'm writing I explain in more detail what happened but one big factor was that Steve, Ken and I didn't have a common goal or any sense of direction. It seemed we were always just kind of floating around like a ghost ship on the ocean. Have a plan or plan to fail, so over the last three years things have really galvanized and we're now back on track and ready to let 'er rip. Getting Kiel on board, completing No God, writing the music for the following CD The Divine Abomination and a complete redo of One Who Points to Death are just a few things we've been up to ensure there will be lots of new anthems of destruction to come. We want our fans to know that we have a shit load of music already prepared.

Like everyone else, I listened to the Demon God EP and expected a new full-length CD to be coming out. After quite a bit of time had passed, I had this feeling inside that all wasn't well out there in the music department so I gave Terrorizer a shout to see what was going on.

He explained about Kris DeBoer leaving, mainly because he landed a good job, and that they had gone through four other drummers but nothing substantive was working out and that momentum had ground to a halt. He and Ken did have a few new song ideas to add to the songs from the Demon God demo. To me that sounded like there was still a glimmer of hope. So I told Steve I had a few ideas of my own about the situation and let's try a different approach this time. I wanted to revamp the band from the ground up. That included a complete overhaul of our battle armour and bringing back more of the original style of songwriting. Staying progressive but remembering our roots; bloody roots!! Steve and Ken wanted to streamline our songwriting process and invest in creating our own recording laboratory were other ideas we exchanged. We liked what each other had to say, so Ken told Steve to tell me to start writing lyrics and get my corpse out to Vancouver. I hoped aboard the VIA Rail and headed to BC...again. Long story short, we spent the last three years writing three albums. Well, not exactly. One Who Points to Death is a redo but it was seriously stripped down and sodomized and I think you will all be pleasantly surprised when it's re-released under a new slightly modified title with Kiel T. Wilson on drums. In fact, we might just call it One Who Points to Death - Stripped Down and Sodomized now that I think about it, lol! Initially Ken and I weren't too keen on the idea. We just wanted to look forward, not back, but Terror was persistent and blew us away with a sample of what he had in mind, so it was full steam ahead to release that down the road at an appropriate time followed by our fifth full-length CD, The Divine Abomination, featuring "Bedlam" one of the songs Ken wrote about demonic possession and early psychiatry.

Kenny: Yeah, at least we are consistent. An album every decade (*laughs*). We have always been together as a band and have been playing live over those years. Outside of the band we have businesses that we own and operate as well which is a full-time thing for everyone in the band. Sure some might have thought that we are no longer together but most of our fan base knows what we've been up to over the years.

Luxi: This question goes out to Chris. It's been a long time since you sang in Infernäl Majesty. You were on the band's comeback album Unholier Than Thou, which was released in 1998. How pleased are you still with that record after all these years?

Chris: Very pleased. I'll never forget a stormy night in my home town of Port Hope, a small village about 100 km east of Toronto in the valley of the misfit river, Ganaraska. I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend at the time watching TV late one stormy evening when in between lightning strikes there was a loud knock at the door. Startled, I got up. I knew it couldn't be good. I opened the door and there standing silhouetted by the metal halide glow of a street light in the pouring rain was Steve and K.C., aka Bob Quelch who at the time I had never met. He is a phenomenal bass player and great friend of the band by the way, but I was expecting to see the police or a stranger in distress or a crazy lighthouse keeper with a hook for a hand, but not Steve. At this point and time, I hadn't heard from anyone in the band in a few years. I had no idea why we broke up or where anybody was. The conversation was brief and to the point. Terror said Scott Burns suggested we get our original singer back as things weren't going as planned with Vince. Can you sing? I said yes. He handed me a fist full of wet lyrics and a CD to get familiar with. Terror asked if I could quickly come up with lyrics for one song which became "Death Roll", formerly "Power Intrusion" from the Creation of Chaos Demo. Once I learned the songs, we headed to Signal to Noise Studios in Toronto to record my vocals with Rob Sanzo and then mixed it with Pierre Rémillard at Studio Victor in Montreal. It was mastered at Future Disk in Los Angeles by Tom Baker. It's an incredible recording that can be turned up extremely loud. To this day I still don't know how Terror found me that night (*laughs*).

Luxi: How much did you think about your vocal lines on None Shall Defy when you were recording your vocals for this new Infernäl Mäjesty opus, No God?

Chris: Quite a bit, actually. It was part of the plan. On None Shall Defy I used three different vocal styles, whereas on Unholier Than Thou and One Who Points to Death I used different variations of one style. I wanted to bring back more variety with my vocals and try something a little different with songs like "O Sons of God". For me the music kind of dictates the vocal style I use. What does the song inspire inside me? What vision do I see? That's usually how I approach a song and the lyrics once I have a subject.

When I recorded the vocals for Unholier and One Who Points to Death, None Shall Defy was the farthest thing from my mind. I think that was a mistake. As much as I like our last two CDs, I think we should have stayed a little more true to our debut, but some may disagree.

At the studio I was reminiscing about those early days and how much inspiration I've gotten from being a huge Manowar fan, especially Into Glory Ride and Battle Hymns. I believe it's true that sometimes to move forward you have to remember where you've been. When I was recording the vocals for None Shall Defy, you are hearing a combination of my many influences at that time in my life which were Slayer, Venom and Manowar.

Luxi: What did you miss most about Infernäl Mäjesty when you had a life outside of the band? Was it easy to find the right chemistry with Ken and Steve when you joined the band again? You guys have a long history together...

Chris: Well, while I was gone I came to realize that I'm not totally happy unless I'm singing in Infernäl Mäjesty (*laughs*). That's what I missed the most. We're like family, you know? You have your ups and downs but you get over it. Getting along with each other has never been the problem though, in fact we get along so well that every time I come back it's like I never left. Anybody that's toured with us knows we have a great sense of humour and we're easy to get along with. That has definitely helped us get through some of the dark days over the years. Everybody needs to be on the same page so that's never been the issue. It's like all things usually. It's never just one reason. It's an accumulation of little things that cause shit to happen.

I think we all had that moment when we realized life's too short. We have to take a different approach. We all know that we are going to be doing this until we're not physically able to anymore, so if we're going to do it we can't be psychopathic about it. We need a realistic long-term plan with the flexibility to make changes when the need arises, so we put in place the apparatus to make it happen and things haven't looked this good in a while. When you're completely independent, which we currently are at the moment, you have to be able to appreciate all the other aspects that go along with running a band and I'm deep within this giant learning curve now.

Luxi: Let's talk about the forthcoming album, No God, which is the band's fourth album. This album is rumoured to be a sort of "missing link" between None Shall Defy and Unholier Than Thou. What are some of the elements on No God that may link to None Shall Defy and which are more similar to Unholier Than Thou, in your opinion?

Chris: That's a great way to describe it; a missing between Unholier and None Shall Defy. I like that much better (*laughs*). First and foremost, I would say the main link between No God and None Shall Defy is the power of the music. Secondly, the style of songwriting is more sinister with melody similar to None Shall Defy with intense riffing like in Unholier. Kiel's drumming is a more progressive continuation of the None Shall Defy drumming style and we brought back more background vocals. The overall atmosphere to No God is evil. There is no doubt what waits inside from the moment you set your eyes on the cover artwork created by Safir and Rifas Art, Dorina & Diana Pantea from Romania. It's oil on canvas. We were captivated by this image; the artistry, the projection of despair and sorrow.

We didn't really know what we were going to end up with at first, we just had a vision. After we had an opportunity to digest what we had, it became clear to me in my humble opinion that it's a cross, or rather a "missing link" (*laughs*), between None Shall Defy and Unholier with one underlying thread connecting all the songs together, "No God". I like to think we have matured in all aspects of our songwriting. We focused on the flow and paid special attention to the bass. We have always had a fascination with Satan, science and history and we always try to write lyrics that are powerful, thought-provoking and stir the imagination. For No God we took it up a level.

Kenny: I tend to agree but it's still Infernäl Mäjesty in the end. I never felt that this album or that album was any better. We write what we like and go with it. I don't follow trends at all so that never comes into play with my writing. I know we can't please everyone out there but as long as we are all happy with what we've done then that's success as far as I'm concerned.

Luxi: Do you think that No God has not only been the most demanding and toughest Infernäl Mäjesty album to make but also the most ambitious work from you guys to date?

Chris: I would have to say "yes" to both those questions Luxi. Sometimes it was emotionally draining, sometimes physically draining. The amount of energy we put into this has been immense, but I'm not being naïve. We still have a long road ahead and this newest offering is one of many stepping stones we have to reach before we are where we would like to be.

Kenny: Getting it finished has been the hardest for sure. The songs were there; it was just a matter of putting the best ones together in one package.

Luxi: Chris has also already said in a short video interview that No God is your best album since None Shall Defy. I assume you'd like to add some heavy, well-grounded words to support this brave statement?

Kenny: We don't know if it will be a hit or not, but one thing's for sure, it almost killed us making it and considering it's not out yet, it still might. We spent more time on this record than we have on any other. Hopefully that will pay off but only time will tell.

Luxi: What makes None Shall Defy such an immortal and classic Infernäl Mäjesty album from your point of view? Do you believe it's impossible to top that record no matter how hard you try?

Chris: A combination of many different things all coming together at the right time when None Shall Defy was created. I believe that we will accomplish this again. There is an authentically evil purity about None Shall Defy that rings true in every song. To be completely honest Luxi, as much as None Shall Defy means to me, I truly believe our greatest works are still to come. This is a new journey we have embarked on.

Kenny: It was just the right album for the time. It's funny because at first it never really got a second look. It took years for None Shall Defy to get the status that it did. Even today, all those songs still sound pretty fresh and it wouldn't surprise me if the other albums get the same recognition. I don't even worry about trying to outdo None Shall Defy.

Luxi: There's a really strong statement behind your new album title. No God, could you explain it a bit more to your fans all over this (dying) planet?

Chris: No God means a stronger respect for life, all life. We are the only species aware of its mortality. We spend our days living in the shadow of death yet we do nothing to change it because we lack the will. I'm talking about defeating death. There is no future for mankind as long as we teach and tolerate myths as fact. Until all religion is abolished or reduced to small pockets of insignificance there is no future for mankind. There is no god of the bible and anything that a human could say closely resembles a god will be discovered by science, studied and put to use. There are undoubtedly more forces and elements of nature still to be discovered that have nothing to do with a supreme being. If the God of the bible did exist, then it would be identified as Satan as much as the maniacs who thought up the New Testament would not want us to believe. Many are willing to die for their god, taking innocent people with them. This is one of many reasons the older I get, the angrier I get with the insanity of our race, the human race, the only race.

We get a lot off our chests with No God. I believe we would have better social harmony and preservation of our resources if humans were living to be 300-400 years old or indefinitely, but there's no way this is going to happen anytime soon when almost everybody wants to go to heaven to be with God. When you spend your day believing in fairy tales, talking snakes and a spontaneously combusting acacia tree, it's hard to have a rational, fact-based conversation about the future of your species. A lot of conservative religious folk here in North America actually believe the earth's only 6000 yrs old. We all know the story. They ignore science because it conflicts with their religious ideology, except when a geologist is telling them there is oil in the ground they can drill. Then they say thank you and oh by the way, that oil is only 6000 thousand years old, Mr. science guy, I saw a video on YouTube showing fossilized human foot prints beside dinosaur tracks.

You're right that the planet is dying Luxi. Something future generations will be hearing a lot about is ocean acidification. As CO2 levels keep rising, the oceans are becoming more acidic. Water mixed with CO2 makes carbonic acid. Our oceans ph level is falling. Its chemistry is quickly changing. We know from the greatest mass extinction to ever hit the planet, The End Permian, that it began in the ocean before sweeping across the land. As the ocean became more acidic due to a massive flood basalt event releasing huge quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, shell building marine life began to disappear. With plankton gone, the foundation collapses. This was a direct result of an atmosphere saturated in green house gases. The End Permian Extinction event was the closest cockroaches ever came to being wiped out. We're on the same path I believe. The sixth mass extinction has begun and we've just replaced mass volcanism with mass industrial activity and car exhaust.

Luxi: No God has been three years in the making. That's a long time to work with one album but I am sure all of your hard work will pay off for everyone including the fans and you guys in the band. Is that how you feel about the album?

Chris: Well one hopes to get out what one puts in. For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction but the other reality is you don't have a crystal ball to look into. As long as you put a 100% into it and you know in your heart you have, if things don't go as planned it's an easier pill to swallow, at least for me anyways. We're learning from past mistakes. We are extremely excited about No God and I think it will open new doors for us.

Luxi: This new will include a couple of older songs from the Demon God sessions; "Systematical Extermination" and "Nation of Assassins". How much did these songs change when you re-recorded them for No God? Did you try to reshape them and get closer to None Shall Defy or Unholier Than Thou?

Chris: We dragged them kicking and screaming to the chopping block. They are still recognizable from the original demo but with minor adjustments. These two in particular lean more to the None Shall Defy side of the Richter Scale I would say. One of the challenges I had was keeping the essence and ferocity of the vocals Brian Langley from Tyrants Blood sang with on the original versions.

Luxi: What happened to "Burnt Beyond Recognition" and "Crusade" from Demon God? Did you feel like these two songs didn't represent Infernäl Mäjesty the way you wanted for No God?

Chris: "Burnt Beyond Recognition" became "In God You Trust" and "Crusade" became "O Sons of God". Steve and I spent a lot of time in the studio working on all the songs from the Demon God demo. We felt they just needed a little more time put into them and to be brought up-to-date. There was no way we were going to just re-record them or worse yet send them down the drain so I think it was more than worth the effort we put into them.

Kenny: We always try to make our songs the best we can so if they need to be spiced up then we will do it. There is nothing worse than writing songs and then end up hating them six months later.

Luxi: Did you produce the album on your own or did you use an external producer for No God?

Chris: Produced it ourselves. We have produced all our albums. I have a few names in mind that I hope someday we could work with such as Dan Swanö and Daniel Bergstrand.

Kenny: I find that it works best for us that way as well. We pretty much know how we want our songs to sound. We all have home studios so it really makes life easy as we can share ideas on the spot.

Luxi: Are you going to release this new Infernäl Mäjesty album on your own or will you try to get it licensed to a couple of labels to speed your plans of world domination? ;o)

Chris: Well world domination would be nice but it depends who reaches out to us for distribution. I think this time we will just settle on letting the cards fall were they may. We have a couple of options that we are going to follow depending how things go with the response we get once the first two singles and the "House of War" video are released. Ideally I would like to get it licensed but if that doesn't work out then it's going straight to CD Baby and we'll have vinyl and CDs available on tour.

Kenny: We get all kinds of offers from labels who want our music. The main problem is that they take the money and forget to pay.

Luxi: Chris, you have directed and produced a video for the song "House of War" off this new album. Would you enlighten us about the script for this video? You also have a relatively big role in this video so I guess you are also the right person to tell us more about this song and the concept for the video?

Chris: "House of War" is a term used to describe the White House. Steve wrote the music and lyrics. We had many discussions and debates over the subject matter and how it relates to our own opinions and current events. The song explores the chaos of religion and the rising death toll in the context of the military-industrial complex and the War Room. We were inspired by the Dwight D. Eisenhower farewell speech warning of the evils associated with the forming of the military-industrial complex and a society dependent on war for its economic survival.

For the video I was inspired by some of the works directed by Grupa 13 and one of my favourite films, Jacob's Ladder directed by Adrian Lyne, written and produced by Bruce Joel Rubin and starring Tim Robbins. It's my first music video that I've directed and produced. It's very organic, there's no CGI. Our video is one small tale being told about a journey that seems to have no ending and the fight for survival. The consequences of the decisions made by people in power throughout the ages and the effect it has on those they control. It starts with a wounded soldier behind enemy lines. Believed to be dead, his weapon stolen and suffering from an abdominal wound, he's trying to get back to his unit and looking for medical attention, wandering through a war ravaged countryside. There's an interesting twist at the end. The video looks at preconceived notions and stereotypes. How a helping hand may sometimes be extended by those you would least expect, how religion isn't necessary to have empathy. My parents Barb and Norm Bailey literally jumped at the opportunity to be in the video and I think they were outstanding. Since the day Infernäl Mäjesty was created they have been huge supporters of the band. Some of the scenes they appear in are so life-like and disturbingly violent I actually had a hard time viewing it when editing. We're talking Academy Award here (*laughs*). One of the filming locations was a former private school before it became a WWII P.O.W camp now abandoned near Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada. Google Camp 30. I would just like to say to all who see the video that mom and dad were safe, happy and having a groovy time. It was a great day filming; well catered. Coffee, sandwiches, donuts, watermelon, yogurt and plums got us through the day. Featured in the October issue of our newsletter, "Dark Times" they were eager to get into costume, knife in hand to wander the abandoned hallways of Camp 30 now turned into a war-torn hospital of horror where you might be saved or maybe have your organs removed to be sold on the black market or perhaps tortured for information or just for fun. Not unlike what goes on in many war-torn regions now.

I started filming in November of 2014 and finished in May 2015 using various locations and enduring extreme weather conditions in and around Northumberland, Ontario. Richard McMurray and Mike Andrzejewski from Anthropophagy make special guest appearances as two opportunistic hooded abductors that make life more difficult for our hero in the video. "House of War - Behind the Scenes" will be coming out shortly after the video is released. It's coming very soon.

Luxi: How did you find drummer Kiel T. Wilson? What happened to Kris DeBoer who played drums on the Demon God EP? Did he simply lose interest in playing in the band?

Kenny: We've known Kiel for years. He was keen on playing drums with Infernäl Mäjesty for along time, it was just a matter of when. When Kris DeBoer left the band we had a couple local guys fill in for live shows but we really needed a full-time drummer. We called up Kiel and he was available to join us. Kris is still a friend of ours but plays in different bands here in Vancouver.

Luxi: Eric Dubreuil who was also a part of the line-up during Demon God is also out of the band. Did he suffer from a lack of motivation to continue in Infernäl Mäjesty or is there another reason he isn't in the band anymore? Have you found anyone to replace him, by the way?

Kenny: That's funny because Eric works full-time for our business and I'm with him 10 hours a day. Eric also has another band that he sings for called Invane and that's his main band now. We really didn't need him to play bass for the album as Steve and I did all the bass tracks. Eric will play with us live if we need him.

Luxi: How much do you believe that all the down time has hurt the band over the years? Some people may have given up hope as far as Infernäl Mäjesty is concerned. There was hardly any news about the band for years before news and updates started popping up on Infernäl Mäjesty's official FB page this past April...

Chris: I'm not sure but I've been doing everything in my power; talking to fans, promoters, you name it building support. When we reunited with Kiel that was one of many reasons why we decided not just to write one album and see what happens but instead lay the groundwork for three. We are in this for the long haul. There will never be a time again when you don't hear from Infernäl Mäjesty. I update the Infernäl Mäjesty Facebook page regularly and connect with as many of our fans as possible.

Luxi: When this new album sees the light of day in the fall of this year, I bet you have gigs set to promote it, both in your home territory as well as outside the Vancouver area. Is this correct?

Chris: We don't have anything 100% confirmed to announce yet. At the moment we are just focused on finishing the mixing and getting it mastered. I'm expecting over the next few weeks we'll be making some announcements on our touring and festival schedule. I want to be shouting No God as loud as I can on as many continents as possible but we're going to need a lot of help from our fans to let people know that they want to see Infernäl Mäjesty live.

Luxi: How have European summer Metal festivals tempted Infernäl Mäjesty to play during 2016? How about the 70000 Tons of Metal cruise; would you accept an invitation to perform on the cruise if the organizers approached Infernäl Mäjesty?

Chris: I would be extremely happy if the organizers for the 70000 Tons of Metal Cruise would get a hold of me. I would also be extremely happy if many more would reach out to us. We get asked quite often but for the first time in a while I can honestly say we are prepared to take on the world again. We have an amazing show prepared. We are looking to make something big happen. There's a whole generation that has not seen Infernäl Mäjesty perform live outside Vancouver.

Luxi: Some Metal bands seem to be pretty pedestrian and professional regarding how they look in the eyes of their fans when they perform live. How is it with Infernäl Mäjesty? I guess people won't ever see Infernäl Mäjesty on stage in just white t-shirts, jeans and wearing ponytails. The more black leather, rivet belts and other armoured costumes, the better, right? ;o)

Chris: That is a fact. It's an incredible transformation as one suits up. We become Infernäl Mäjesty. We wouldn't feel right on stage without it.

As dark times encroach, we felt we needed to upgrade our armour to something more appropriate for the new reality. Given the severity of what lies ahead, we now have armour for all seasons, conditions and threats. The Demon Lord has arrived.

Luxi: What do you hope to achieve with Infernäl Majesty in the next 1-2 years?

Chris: We hope No God opens up some new doors for us. We just want to do a lot of touring and recording, making videos and getting back into the swing of things. That's our main goal; get back out, see our fans, reconnect. Tour then follow it up with The Divine Abomination in 2017 and more videos. We have modest goals that we're on track to achieve over the next couple years. We have lots in store for the immediate future, too like the release of the "House of War" video. None Shall Defy will be available to download for the first time later this winter and to help get the ball rolling, our great friends at Vic Records are releasing all our early demos. It's an amazing collector's edition of the early evolution of Infernäl Mäjesty and our small contribution to the history of Metal. It would make an excellent gift and includes personal liner notes from yours truly. A limited number of copies will be available and they won't last long. Check in with us daily on Facebook or Twitter for release date announcements.

Luxi: Well, I guess that's all I had in mind for now. Thank you for your time and all the best with your future endeavours with Infernäl Mäjesty. If you have any last words, feel free to spit 'em out to conclude this interview properly...

Chris: Well let me just start by saying thank you Luxi! It's been great talking to you again, an absolute pleasure. I would also like to give a huge shout out to our fans. Thank you for welcoming us back and if you haven't been to the Facebook page yet stop by and say hello. We would love to hear from you and we can keep you posted on No God, "House of War" and more. On that note thanks again Luxi - and hails to The Metal Crypt!

Kenny: Thanks for the support over the years to you Luxi as well as all the fans of Infernäl Mäjesty.

Other information about Infernäl Mäjesty on this site
Review: One Who Points To Death
Review: None Shall Defy
Review: No God
Review: Demon God
Review: Unholier than Thou
Interview with guitarist Kenny Hallman on February 26, 2012 (Interviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)

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