Interview with Nergal (Guitar/vocals)
Interview conducted by Barbara Williams (Crowley)
Date online: March 5, 2003
Hails!!! How is everybody?
We’re doing pretty well. Thanx.
Nergal is still the founding member of Behemoth. What made you form Behemoth?
Passion and love for that kind of music. An inner need of extreme expression through sound and vision…
Have you had a lot of line-up changes, and how would you say it affected your music, if any?
We had a few. Of course, it has affected us in a way. Every new person brings something special and fresh to the band. Some do more, some less… but you cannot avoid such an influence. It’s obvious.
Why did you choose the name Behemoth?
‘Coz it fits the atmosphere and craziness of our music. Behemoth sounds…eerie and still original.
You are about to go on tour by the end of February. Are you excited and what are your plans following the tour? Can we expect a new album soon?
Sure we are. Behemoth is a live beast! This time we hit Norwegian shores with Myrkskog. Then, for the first time, America with Deicide, and then Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and more…
Which songs do you like most playing Live?
Guess it’d be "Christians to the Lions," "Chant for Eschaton" and "Decade of Therion"…from the new album Heru Ra Ha is my fave one… No doubts about it.
When you play live, do you try to stay close to the studio version or do you like to change things up?
Not really. It’s live, so it will never be alike… If you know what I mean. We go more on craziness, live feeling and spontaneous aspects of the songs…not necessarily the technique.
Looking at your previous touring schedules, I must say you have toured quite extensively throughout Europe, including Eastern Europe. What were your favorite or most memorable places?
There’s few of them…I love south European countries; I truly adore French people for their dedication. The Norwegian crowd was good last time…the Polish one is great also. Depends, really… There’s no rule, I would say.
You started releasing albums pretty quickly after you formed the band. What do you think is it about Behemoth that gave you the drive?
No, it took us a few years, actually, in the underground releasing demos…the band was formed in ’91 and first album came out in ’95 so…
What is your take on people burning CDs?
I don’t like it…but sometimes there is no other way.
How do you write your music? Is there a set guideline or do you write what you feel as you go along?
There’s no rule. Sometimes it’s just the melody coming in my head. Sometimes it comes out from jamming. Depends.
How do you get the inspiration for your writing?
Depends… It comes from all sources around. Life itself is the most influential thing I would say.
I looking at the impressive number of albums you have out. What is the current label you using and are you happy with it?
The deal with Avantgarde just expired and we are negotiating with a few labels. Let’s see what future brings. Avantgarde was ok. But it’s better for us to change the label now... We have to move on. Staying with them would be a bit stagnating…
Your website shows a section on your "Thelamic art work". It's bad!!! Who is the master behind it?
He’s name is MANTICORE! A great guy… And does a great job, with no doubts! Very talented dude…
How important would you say is the CD art?
Apart from music, essential.
Which bands are on your list of favorites? If I were to look through your CD collection, what would I find?
Everything from Johnny Cash to Nile… really. I listen to a lot of different and weird stuff. I would say everything apart from reggae…
When did you start playing and how old were you when you became interested in metal?
I got my first guitar when I was 8, I guess…it was about the time when I got involved in metal also. My brother was into it, so it came on me as well, ha ha….
What made you decide to be in a band?
The guitar…I thought that possessing the guitar allowed me to form the band. Naïve and stupid, but it’s a fact, actually.
Have your parents and friends always been supportive for your desire to be in a band?
Yes and no…some didn’t give a fuck; some did…people are people, you know.
Besides Metal, what other types of music do you listen to?
Everything…even pop might be interesting sometimes…
Have you gotten any gifts from fans? Which would you say would be the coolest or weirdest?
Yes, art and paints mostly…check out our site; there’s a few of them…
Do you think you're attracting new fans or are you pretty much catering for the ones who have been with you from the beginning?
We do our thing, man, and it’s great when people follow…
Do you keep up with Metal Magazines? Which ones do you read or like the best?
Too many to mention, to be honest…I like TERRORIZER…one of the best for sure.
Outside of playing Metal, what kinds of things do you enjoy doing?
Hanging out with my girl. Besides it, training my body, you know. Swimming, martial arts and stuff, but since Behemoth became my full time job, I had to quit…
What kind of books do you read? Any good books you would like to mention?
Anything that’s interesting…lately I’ve been reading Crowley’s biography.
How do you see yourself as a role model (or idol) to many young people who listen to and who get into your music?
I see myself as a musician leading a metal band. There is no place for idols in the metal scene.
I have just recently heard some heavy criticism from a metal fan who finds that Black metal is no longer acceptable because the satanic content most albums have. As an atheist he sees this as a form of religion. What's your take on this?
I don’t care…I like good music; the rest is not that important…
Do you think that black and death metal bands still have a harder time attracting an audience, partially because of the lyrical content?
It depends…for some bands it’s a great time now; others just disappear. There is no rule, I think…but I would say there’s rather increasing tendency and good time for death metal…
Who's your audience?
I hope intelligent and open minded young people…but I might be wrong.
May I ask you for your birthdays?
Any last words to fans?
Take care and thanx for your time. Sorry for short answers, but we are way too busy lately…especially now, right before the long tour. Horns up!
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