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Review: Tyrannosorceress - Shattering Light's Creation
Shattering Light's Creation

Label: Tofu Carnage Records
Year released: 2017
Duration: 44:40
Tracks: 6
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: July 27, 2017
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 2.43/5 (48.57%) (7 Votes)

Aside from my personal belief that a band with a name like this should have songs about dinosaur witch doctors, this is much better than I expected. Black Metal from this part of the US is so often by-the-numbers Darkthrone worship when it is not simply aping Wolves in the Throne Room, so finding a disc that is neither of those things is quite refreshing. Tyrannosorceress play a rather epic style of Black Metal, similar to bands like Lunar Aurora or the more recent works from Temple of Baal. Long songs, a lot of melody, and a lot of depth and variety to the compositions. These songs are dynamic, with extended slow passages interspersed with blasting and speed. In places it goes on a bit long, and some of the compositions bag a bit, but overall I find this a really strong debut for fans of more melodic, epic Black Metal.

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