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Review: Ulvegr - Titahion: Kaos Manifest
Titahion: Kaos Manifest

Label: Ashen Dominion
Year released: 2017
Duration: 44:09
Tracks: 9
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: August 16, 2017
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 2.75/5 (55%) (4 Votes)

This is an odd album, as it has an Egyptian look to it, and some Middle-eastern flair to the lyrics, but the style is pure Slavic Black Metal without a trace of folk anywhere. The riffing is tasty and fast, and the songs are good when they get going. This band does go too far with the atmospheric elements, and it drags things down. I can get with some clean chanting, but then you have a song like "Thousand Aeons in Transcendent Abyss" which is just five minutes of drum loops and effects-laden vocal gargling that wears out its welcome way before it is over. Maybe as a closing track it would fly, but as the second real song on the album it stops things dead. Fortunately, when they get right back to the blasting they sound really good, it's just they keep inserting more atmospheric tracks like the slow crawl of "She, Who Grants Sufferings" which is pretty cool, but goes on too long; and "U-tuk-ku Lim-nu" which is just sound effects and yelling. When this band keeps the energy amped up, they kill pretty hard, but they waste way too much time with ambient/atmospheric noodling that is not as cool as they seem to think it is.

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