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Review: The Crown - Cobra Speed Venom
The Crown
Cobra Speed Venom

Label: Metal Blade Records
Year released: 2018
Duration: 1:00:45
Tracks: 13
Genre: Death/Thrash


Review online: May 12, 2018
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.06/5 (81.11%) (18 Votes)

The Crown have had a complicated history. After the high point of Possessed 13 waaaay back in 2003, they put out the underappreciated Crowned Unholy – a re-recording of Crowned in Terror with good vocals but worse production – and then they just broke up for six years. When they came back in 2010 they just were not as good as they used to be. This is the third album since their return, and it is finally a worthy follow-up for the band who ripped out classics like Deathrace King.

Whereas the last two discs have been plagued by lackluster production jobs and dull performances, Cobra Speed Venom is The Crown back at full power. Once more this band blasts forth with memorable riffs, a murderous guitar sound, and that feral, spitting energy that always marked their best work. You will be pummeled by instant headbang fuel like "Iron Crown", "In the Name of Death" and the neck-snapping title cut. I was skeptical of this album after the poor albums this band has been putting out since their reformation, but this one pays for it all. If you have not heard The Crown in their glory days and wonder what the fuss was about, then this fucker will learn you. Killer.

More about The Crown...
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