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Review: Outre-Tombe - Nécrovortex

Label: Temple of Mystery Records
Year released: 2018
Duration: 36:02
Tracks: 10
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: September 17, 2018
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.78/5 (75.56%) (18 Votes)

Hot damn! When I reviewed Outre-Tombe's debut, Répurgation, a few weeks ago, I wanted to give it a perfect score but decided to hold on just in case they could do better. Well, there you have it: Nécrovortex is similar, but better than its predecessor. The province of Quebec has long been known for quality death metal but I must admit I never really got into most of them. Outre-Tombe was an instant coup-de-coeur and, as far as I'm concerned, they mop the floor with the other Quebec-based death metal bands. You've read it here first. ;)

Everything that made the debut so damn good is present here: Fast, razor-sharp guitars, thunderous, insane drumming and the distinctive vocals, a harsh growl spitting out the words with the good old-fashioned French-Canadian accent, all come together to destroy everything in their path. I've heard death metal sung in French before, but always thought that going for the "melodious" French (from France) accent took away some of the brutality you associate with the genre. The French-Canadian accent, however, is a great match for brutal music. Of course, the vocalist ("Crachat", which roughly translates to "Spit"—very fitting) has a lot to do with the quality of the vocals: those are some of the best death vocals I've heard.

It's near impossible to stop listening to this album; it's just that good. It's heavy and speedy as fuck and one could hardly make it "busier" without it turning into a mess. Those guitars and those drums are unrelenting and, despite the speed on display, you'll find a lot of intricate passages that make you want to rewind and play over and over (kind of revealing my cassette-tape days here...) But you can't do that, because you can't move: Nécrovortex has you pinned to the ground. Death metal album of the year. Death metal album of the fucking year.

More about Outre-Tombe...
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Review: Abysse mortifère (reviewed by Michel Renaud)
Review: Nécrovortex (reviewed by MetalMike)
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