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Review: Dark Tranquillity - Haven
Dark Tranquillity

Label: Century Media Records
Year released: 2000
Duration: 43:29
Tracks: 11
Genre: Melodic Death Metal


Review online: July 14, 2000
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.83/5 (76.52%) (23 Votes)

Hmmm... How the hell did I live so long without knowing this band?  Haven is Dark Tranquillity's latest release, and I can simply describe this album as awesomeIn Flames is not the only game in town when it comes to melodic death metal.  Eleven tracks of great music, with vocals clean enough (as in clearer that usual for the genre) that you don't get a headache just trying to figure out the lyrics.  I would compare the actual music to what In Flames has been doing since Colony, but this is a style comparison only.  There are enough differences not to mistake one for the other, but the musicianship and songwriting quality are quite similar, although on this last point I'd tend to give the edge to Dark Tranquillity.  One song that did catch my attention is Fabric, not because it is better than the others, but rather because the beginning reminds me of some pop rock song I've heard before - I just don't know what it is.  There are no weak songs, period.

Yet another band that I'll have to investigate into their back catalog, and yet another contender for "best album of 2000".  Damn!  Anyways, do yourself a favor and get this CD.

More about Dark Tranquillity...
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Review: Haven (reviewed by Christian Renner)
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Interview with guitarist Niklas Sundin on October 20, 2002 (Interviewed by Christian Renner)
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