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Review: Twilightning - Delirium Veil
Delirium Veil

Label: SpineFarm Records
Year released: 2003
Duration: 48:23
Tracks: 9
Genre: Progressive Power Metal


Review online: December 24, 2003
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
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Rated 3.96/5 (79.13%) (23 Votes)

Like a magician I wave my hands and Lo! I have produced. . . yet another generic Power Metal band from Finland! Honestly, with bands like Sonata Arctica and Dreamtale already peddling this brand of catchy double-bass Happy Metal I am not sure why we need another one. And although I do have to say Twilightning are better players than Dreamtale, they are not any more memorable and are slightly more annoying.

Not much to say about the style here except: generic. Things start off promisingly enough with a good opening riff for "Gone To The Wall". The chorus is a rip-off from Gamma Ray, but what do you really expect? "At The Forge" has the catchiest chorus on the album, and is a generally enjoyable song, but after that things really descend into faceless noodling. This band has a highly obnoxious quality of using very pop-sounding vocal melodies that rob the songs of whatever kind of punch they might have. Their singer is pretty good, sounding a lot like Pagan's Mind's Nils Rue, but also quite a lot like the dude from Europe. He's too clean and poppy sounding by half. If he was singing better melodies he'd be fine, but he isn't.

Twilightning get called 'progressive' a lot, but that's plainly ridiculous. Letting your keyboard player wank all over your songs and listening to lots of Dream Theater does not qualify you as prog. Mostly Twilightning are too happy, too sappy, and too radio-friendly for their own good. The last thing we need is a 'Pop-Metal' genre, but here it is anyway. This is music no one could possibly object to, except on the grounds of its general fruitiness.

The cover art is OK, but in the tradition of a lot of Finnish bands the lyrics are really awful. Lots of generic fantasy elements, a lot of incoherent gibberish, and lots of faux-slangisms like "da" for "the" and "goin" for "going". Ugh. Get me a flamethrower.

If the usual crop of keyboardy Power Metal is not queer enough for you, then this may be something that will interest you. And if the mix of speedy Power Metal with Boston-style AOR rock sounds good to you, then go for it. But really, if you have any Sonata Arctica albums, then you have heard this all before. Twilightning are good musicians, and certainly have potential to be a decent band, but for now they are simply too generic to rise above the pack.

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