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Review: Acheron - Rebirth: Metamorphosing Into Godhood
Rebirth: Metamorphosing Into Godhood

Label: Black Lotus Records
Year released: 2003
Duration: 53:36
Tracks: 9
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: February 20, 2004
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
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Rated 3.8/5 (76%) (15 Votes)

Acheron have apparently been around a while, though I have somehow missed them. Their founder "Vincent Crowley" was a former member of Nocturnus, which I suppose gets him some kind of street cred. From that bit on info you might expect Acheron to be old-style, US Death Metal – and you'd be absolutely right.

Acheron play rather basic Death Metal with a general midpaced speed, avoiding the hyperfast approach typical of the Florida sound. This is unsurprisingly similar to old Nocturnus (minus the keys) or even early Morbid Angel. The riffs go chugga chugga, the vocals are the kind of hollow rasp David Vincent used on "Altars of Madness", and the songs are all about Satan. There is certainly nothing original here, but that said, this is generally enjoyable. I would like if the production were fatter – if you aren't going to be fast, you should be really, really heavy – but it isn't bad. The songwriting suffers an extreme case of we-write-the-same-riff-pattern-all-the-time, so all the songs sound pretty much the same.

The CD cover has a lurid painting of a green woman graphically giving birth to a devil-baby. It's going for 'Blasphemous', but comes off more as 'Tasteless'. The lyrics are different in that they are firmly Crowleyan Satanist, rather than just "Satan satan satan give me a beer." So they come off as less evil and more studied and philosophical.

This ain't bad, but has nothing to really distinguish it, or to show that this is a band that has been around. I expect more accomplished work from old hands. If simplistic US Death Metal is your thing, then by all means grab this. But if you are more finicky about your DM, you can pass on this one.

More about Acheron...
Review: Anti-God, Anti-Christ (reviewed by Chaossphere)
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Review: The Final Conflict: Last Days of God (reviewed by Lars Christiansen)
Interview with vocalist and bassist Vincent Crowley on August 28, 2013 (Interviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)
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