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Review: Nite - Voices of the Kronian Moon
Voices of the Kronian Moon

Label: Season of Mist
Year released: 2022
Duration: 37:02
Tracks: 8
Genre: Heavy Metal


Review online: April 28, 2022
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.5/5 (70%) (2 Votes)

This is surprisingly melodic for what is basically blackened heavy metal. The vocals sound straight out of Immortal (I had to double-check that it wasn't Abbath singing) and a lot of the vocal lines are surprisingly catchy. That raspy vocal style delivered with a melodic vibe on top of heavy metal music sure sounds a little different. The band isn't trying to revive the '80s with their music. The roots are there, but this is not stuff that makes me think "'80s," so kudos to them for not just sounding like they're trying to rehash the past (nothing wrong with that, but there's more than enough bands doing it). While I like the album overall, it feels a bit one-dimensional and after several listens it begins to lose its appeal, though not so bad that you'd feel the urge to turn it off. An interesting approach to the genre for sure and a band to keep an eye on.

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