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Review: Cadaver Coils - Offerings of Rapture and Decay
Cadaver Coils
Offerings of Rapture and Decay

Label: Iron Bonehead Productions
Year released: 2022
Duration: 36:52
Tracks: 6
Genre: Black/Death


Review online: June 3, 2022
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (4 Votes)

This is a very new one-man band working their debut album. This is billed as pure Death Metal, but it’s really more of a hybrid, mixing Swedish-style crunch and a production that is more akin to Black Metal, with layered melodies, subdued drums, and guitars that are not downtuned. This actually reminds me of Amduscias, if anyone else remembers that underrated Japanese band. I actually like this pretty well, as it has a melodic, almost mellow vibe, without the tightness of a lot of this kind of music, focused more on riffs and melodies, with a production that lets you hear them.

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