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Review: Defier - Overdose of Annihilation: The Redgate Pleasures 1989-1994
Overdose of Annihilation: The Redgate Pleasures 1989-1994

Label: Bestial Burst
Year released: 2022
Duration: 52:47
Tracks: 10
Genre: Thrash Metal


Review online: June 12, 2022
Reviewed by: Luxi Lahtinen
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Rated 3.67/5 (73.33%) (3 Votes)

Defier were a Finnish Thrash act that existed roughly five years between 1989 and 1994 before calling it quits. They got a couple of demos and even an EP out, but they were dismissed as a Stone ripoff and largely ignored by audiences and labels alike. Luckily, Bestial Burst have once again come to the rescue and preserved a part of the Finnish underground by releasing a remastered compilation of their work, The Redgate Pleasures 1989-1994, and it goes to show that Defier were worth preserving even without the historical value.

The Stone comparisons are pretty apt, as Defier worked in a similar vein of sharp, technical Thrash Metal. However, it would be a disservice to call them a simple clone act, not only due to the quality, but also because they were the thrashier of the two bands, with the later releases in particular clearly taking inspiration from Metallica’s ...and Justice for All, right down to vocalist Jarmo Koivistoinen sounding a good bit like James Hetfield if he had a rougher tone. Defier were certainly not original, but like many of the largely forgotten Thrash bands of the era (Necromancer, Protected Illusion, Oppression, etc.), they were a damn good band that deserved more attention than they got. Thankfully, time has been kind to these bands as more labels dig them up and release their work to the world, and Defier are just one of many that are finally getting the attention they deserve.

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