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Review: Cosmic Burial - Far Away from Home
Cosmic Burial
Far Away from Home

Label: Purity Through Fire
Year released: 2023
Duration: 47:09
Tracks: 4
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: May 19, 2023
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.5/5 (70%) (4 Votes)

I generally like Atmospheric Black Metal, and so I generally like this album, even if there is not much of anything to distinguish it from other, similar albums. Cosmic Burial is a one-man German act, and this is an entirely instrumental work, which is kind of nice, as on these sorts of albums the vocals are often kind of perfunctory, and are just there because they think they need them. This is very mellow, laid-back stuff, with a lot of keyboard sounds and not a lot of what we would call heaviness and certainly nothing like aggression. This is moody, woodsy Black Metal that is trying to evoke pagan forests and misty landscapes and doing a good job of it. I enjoy this a lot, more for the atmosphere than anything else, but it's not revolutionary.

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