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Review: Novae Militiae - Gash'khalah
Novae Militiae

Label: Sentient Ruin Laboratories
Year released: 2018
Originally released in: 2017
Duration: 55:05
Tracks: 8
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: June 7, 2023
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (3 Votes)

This is some really busy blasting black metal with an omnipresent dark atmosphere that almost gives the chills. At times it's so fast you can barely tell things apart, but that's strangely effective in augmenting the darkness herein, giving it a more brutal effect. There are times where things slow down somewhat and bank more on plain atmosphere, but there's still no light at the end of that hellish tunnel. The vocals—the screams, really—are barked screeches that make the whole thing sound even more nightmarish. A nice little slab of absolute darkness.

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