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Review: Enslaved - Mardraum - Beyond The Within
Mardraum - Beyond The Within

Label: Osmose Productions
Year released: 2000
Duration: 58:26
Tracks: 11
Genre: Viking Metal


Review online: December 10, 2000
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.1/5 (81.95%) (41 Votes)

Before buying this album I had heard it was excellent, but I sure wasn't expecting this. Enslaved are so unique that some people just categorize them as "Enslaved". Officially they're Viking Metal, I can live with that. It doesn't matter anyway. This band has a very unique sound, with not one album resembling the other. This latest offering is... confusing, but in a good way. A mix of slow to very fast playing, Black Metal-type vocals to clean vocals, mostly sung in Norwegian (the English translation is in the booklet), this is pretty much a 58 minutes voyage through Enslaved's nightmare. The music on this album is very hard to describe, it's really much more like an experience you have to go through yourself, in my opinion. I'm just sorry I didn't discover this band before. Those into Viking Metal and Black Metal will almost surely like this album. If I were to have a Top 5 for 2000, this album would be in it.

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