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Review: Runes Of Dianceht - Eternal Call Of Darkness
Runes Of Dianceht
Eternal Call Of Darkness

Label: Battlelord Productions
Year released: 2004
Duration: 40:28
Tracks: 9
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: May 22, 2004
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.17/5 (63.33%) (6 Votes)

Well this is totally kvlt. Runes Of Dianceht are a Ukrainian band who recorded this back in 1997, but it is only now being released on CD. The band is apparently still active, though they have no web page and I could find almost nothing about them except that their guitarist is or was a member of Nokturnal Mortum.

I was expecting something harsher, but this is rather atmospheric BM with primitive instrumentation and a lot of keyboards. I actually like the guitar parts on here quite a bit, but they are so badly produced it's hard to even hear the guitars. The drums are much louder in the mix along with the keys. Vocals have quite a bit of variety, ranging from a typical papery rasp (almost a whisper) to a deeper growl.

The music is actually pretty cool on this disc. It's a bit mellow, and I like it much better when they speed things up a little, as on "Only Satan". Some of these tunes are actually catchy, and I catch myself singing along to "Black Star Domination" and "Bloody Dianceht".

So there is some good atmospheric BM in the style of extremely early Emperor going on here, it's just a pity the production is so lousy I can't really hear it very well. Runes Of Dianceht won't blow you away, but this is a decent underground release for fans of unknown BM acts to look into.

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