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Review: Paganizer - No Divine Rapture
No Divine Rapture

Label: Xtreem Music
Year released: 2004
Duration: 36:41
Tracks: 9
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: September 4, 2004
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.71/5 (74.29%) (7 Votes)

Every now and then there's a good death metal album that lands on my desk, and this new Paganizer album is one. There isn't really anything new here: Brutal death metal with deep growls that you won't hear blasting at your office Christmas party anytime soon. Unfortunately I can't compare with their earlier work, essentially what you get here is a good mix of old school Swedish death metal (and I mean real death metal, not the Gothenburg melodic stuff) and some American death metal such as The Chasm and Incantation. The one thing that stood out when I listened to this is the atmosphere - not just senseless brutality that you often find in death metal, but also some horror-like passages, even a bit of occult to some extent. This makes for some variety in a genre that's often two one-dimensional, yet without resorting to senseless gimmicks. There's also a couple of passages that surprisingly reminded me of Strange Old Brew-era Carpathian Forest, making a song or two almost categorisable as Death/Black. Despite an often chaotic hyper-speed genre, Paganizer found room for some slower, more controlled and I must say damn fine guitar passages (not that the rest isn't any good, quite the contrary.) Overall a good mix of non-pretentious brutal and technical death, done very well. Recommended.

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