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Review: Einherjer - Odin Owns Ye All
Odin Owns Ye All

Label: Century Media Records
Year released: 1998
Duration: 45:19
Tracks: 9
Genre: Viking Metal


Review online: November 11, 2004
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
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Rated 4.1/5 (82%) (10 Votes)

This was the second album for Norway's Einherjer, who often get press as the greatest of Viking Metal bands. Now split-up, this outfit is widely revered by metal fans and this album has achieved legendary status in many circles, for the life of me, I cannot see why.

Now this is not bad, as there are some cool riffs here (especially on the title track) but this is not really all that great. I'm a big fan of any kind of Viking Metal, but Einherjer just don't do it for me. Part of it is the riffing, which while often producing something cool, just as often seems dedicated to running said cool riff into the ground with endless repetition. A serious problem with Einherjer songs is that they all seem to last way too long, with not enough build, transition, or dynamic to sustain interest. Another problem with this band is the uncharismatic vocals of Frode Glesnes, who does not growl or sing so much as just yell. If he was doing this with drama and passion he could get away with it, but mostly he's just tuneless and kind of annoying. Whether you are going to growl or sing or shriek you have to be in tune with the music. You can't just holler along in some random key. This guy has not figured it out, and the vocals on this album are not anything resembling compelling or good. At best, they don't irritate me all the time, and that's the best I can say.

So a lot of this album is dull, and some of it is annoying, but there is enough good here to make the album worth a spin once in a while. But aside from a bit of inventive riffing, which other bands do as well or better, there is little to recommend this album. Seekers of Viking Metal goodness should seek out Ensiferum or Manegarm, as this is really not that good at all, despite what you may have heard.

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