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Review: Enslaved - Live Retaliation
Live Retaliation

Label: Metal Mind Productions
Year released: 2003
Duration: 115 min.

Rating: 4.5/5

Review online: December 12, 2004
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers Rating
Live Retaliation

Rated 4.43/5 (88.57%) (7 Votes)

"Live Retaliation" is another DVD from Poland's Metal Mind Productions. I had already seen the Vader and Behemoth DVD from the same label, and Enslaved's follows in essentially the same path, but with a few more goodies. Again the "live" show is actually a show recorded live, but in a studio (even though it does look like a nicely-sized live venue.) There are some advantages to this, one of them between the image and sound which are incidentally very good, not surprising considering they have control over what goes on in the studio. Like the other two DVDs I saw, the crowd is a bit on the static side, they almost look like a TV show crowd at times, while sometimes they wake up a bit - weird. But that's minor, since the cameras thankfully focus on the band. I saw Enslaved live about 3 years ago, and this show here is quite representative of the real thing - lots of energy on stage, not too much chat with the crowd (not like this one would react much anyway - lol.) The set-list looks short at first, but it clocks in at nearly 67 minutes, so you get your money's worth. They cover most of their albums, and there's even an Autopsy cover that made its way in there. Very good show overall, although I'd rather see a "real" Enslaved show professionally filmed in an actual live venue - but this will do for now.

The extras are worth a look for the most part. There is a band biography, but rather than read it on screen, I suggest opening the DVD's booklet which contains an expanded version of that bio - it's more agreable to read and has more detail, so why stare at several screens. There are also short member profiles (including such little details as their favourite foods!), an interview with the band which is a bit uneven: The guys don't seem too comfortable at first, but it gets better after a few minutes. The interviewer has a strong accent that's slightly difficult to catch. What's interesting is that each question in the interview is a selectable chapter in the menu, so it's easy to go back to a specific one if need be. The usual band discography is there, up to and including Monumension, an art gallery (the albums' cover art), a photo gallery (personal, promo, live shots), and some computer goodies such as desktop images and screensavers, if that's your thing. Last but not least, there are some bonus audio tracks, 4 of which are rare versions of released songs, and 2 that were never released before.

There isn't much else to say - this is a very good DVD, better than I expected when I popped it into the DVD player. Personally I wish the live show had had a few more songs, or a slightly different set list, but then again there's no way in hell they could satisfy everyone out there so... :) Anyway, this is worth getting.

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