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Review: DragonForce - Inhuman Rampage
Inhuman Rampage

Label: Noise Records
Year released: 2006
Duration: 56:11
Tracks: 8
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: April 18, 2006
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.06/5 (61.11%) (36 Votes)

I've been a Dragonforce fan since their debut. Say what you will: they're hyperactive, they're poppy, blah blah. Some people see this band as poster children for what's wrong with Power Metal these days, but I think this band is a whole lot of fun, and I've enjoyed their last two albums even as I rolled my eyes at their excesses.

In spite of that, I have to say that "Inhuman Rampage" does not grab me like their last two discs have. Album opener "Through Fire And Flames" is a great tune, pretty much encapsulating what Dragonforce are all about in one song, and the second track "Revolution Deathsquad" is pretty cool too. Dragonforce have amped up the energy to the point that it is exhausting to even listen to them, as they play so fast your fingers get tired in sympathy. The production on this album is superior to any of their other material, but a tremendous case of sameness has infested their songwriting. I could swear, many times listening to this, that I had heard these songs before. It is perhaps inevitable that a band with a formula as specific as this one would begin to repeat themselves, but in places on past discs, as on the great "Soldiers Of The Wasteland", they showed they could make great music without having to play at Warp Factor 90, and I had hoped they would stretch themselves a bit in some new directions. But nooooo, this is just more of what we've already heard from Dragonforce: speed speeeeed speeeeeeeed, and then a ballad. A bad ballad.

I like this album, and if you liked the last two Dragonforce albums then you'll like this one as well, but even I have to admit the gimmick is wearing a bit thin, and conversely, if you have heard the last two albums, then you don't need to hear this one.

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