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Review: Witchery - Don't Fear The Reaper
Don't Fear The Reaper

Label: Century Media Records
Year released: 2006
Duration: 45:57
Tracks: 13
Genre: Heavy/Thrash


Review online: September 11, 2006
Reviewed by: Christian Renner
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.74/5 (74.74%) (19 Votes)

Wow! This album was a very big surprise. I have been a fan of their music from the Restless and Dead album and I have liked every album since. So you may wonder what could possibly surprise me about a new album from this band. Well as hard as this is to say the big surprise for me was simply that this album pretty much fucking blows.

What the hell happened here? This band was a kick ass band with catchy riffs and hooks that reminded me of the good old days of thrash. Now we have the new disc "Don't Fear the Reaper" and for me at least the album can be summed up in just one word…BORING! Where did the killer riffs go? Where did the blazing solos go? Hell, where did Witchery go and who the hell are these guys impersonating them. There are only two songs that I can point at that even show the slightest spark and they are Plague Rider and Cannon Fodder. The rest of the songs have a sense of anticipation like they are building to something but then there is no payoff and trust me when an album reminds me of most of my high school girlfriends that is NOT a good thing. Most of the album is basically mid tempo crap that quickly fades into being nothing more than background noise.

I don't know what happened here but at least there is still hope. There is a lot of talent in this band and hopefully this one was just an aberration and we will be treated to a much better effort next time.

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