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Review: Communic - Waves of Visual Decay
Waves of Visual Decay

Label: Nuclear Blast Records
Year released: 2006
Duration: 57:59
Tracks: 7
Genre: Heavy/Progressive


Review online: October 23, 2006
Reviewed by: Lars Christiansen
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.36/5 (87.27%) (22 Votes)

Christ, where did these guys spring from?! Norway, usually known for its black or folky bands have really produced a grade A progressive metal band with no sign of influence from the majority of their countrymen. Communic's debut album 'Conspiracy in Mind' seemingly garnered great reviews pretty much throughout, at the same time missing me completely, much to my chagrin (especially when I check through the reviews archives here, D'oh!!).

Coming on like a pumped up Nevermore and Dream Evil, without sounding like a colourless comparison either, Communic have released a complex and intricate progressive metal album, which takes a few spins to fully get the full breadth of its brilliance. Similarly to Nevermore's last release, the guitar work and time signatures are both of the highest caliber, with riffs colliding like planets in a truly ambitious sonic feast.

With all the previous comparisons aside, Communic stand on their own two feet, due to their seemingly effortless ability to pen god-like riffs, backed up by memorable choruses and really killer shredding solos. The longer proggy passages of some of the riffs twist and turn like a labyrinthine maze, but always end up in the right place, at the right time. This is of course, not to mention the incredibly passionate vocal work of Oddleif Stensland, who is every bit as good as a certain Mr Dane, if not (dare I say it) better.

With 7 tracks spanning just under an hour in total, I propose that you get clicking on the 'add to basket' button in your favourite web-store to take hold of this fervent metal-fest with both hands, trust me, you will not regret it.

More about Communic...
Review: Conspiracy in Mind (reviewed by Sargon the Terrible)
Review: Conspiracy in Mind (reviewed by ShadowsFall)
Review: Conspiracy in Mind (reviewed by Ulysses)
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