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Review: Wotanorden - From The Storm Come The Wolves
From The Storm Come The Wolves

Label: Strong Survive Records
Year released: 2003
Duration: 55:29
Tracks: 10
Genre: NS Black Metal


Review online: December 6, 2006
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 2.6/5 (52%) (10 Votes)

There are few causes dearer to my heart than pride of race, which is why it pains me so much to see the ethos mangled by terrible bands like this. Wotanorden are a NSBM band from my old home state of Pennsylvania, and while rabid racialists will no doubt defend them thematically, musically this is a waste, and I review it only so people will know how bad NS Folk/Black/Viking Metal can be.

The style here is middle-of-the-road folky Black Metal, with some pretty decent screams and some awful clean vocals mixed in, the riffs are uninspired and lame, the guitar tone is so bad it sometimes sounds like someone in the background is abusing a vacuum cleaner, and the drums literally sound like someone beating on pot lids. If the songs ruled, all this could be overlooked, but when songs that are already bad are saddled with such a wretched recording job, it just makes the whole thing sound extremely amateurish and embarrassing. I'll tell you one thing, this stuff sure does nothing to make me proud of my culture or my race, it just makes me feel bad for all those involved. The only reason this gets even 2 points is because the keyboard instrumentals, like the opener "Kernunnos" and "Vengeance Amidst The Storm" are very nice, and provide some worth to an otherwise valueless disc. Avoid.

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