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Review: Nanowar - Other Bands Play, Nanowar Gay!
Other Bands Play, Nanowar Gay!

Label: Independent
Year released: 2005
Duration: 42:13
Tracks: 14
Genre: Heavy Metal


Review online: August 20, 2007
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
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Rated 2.2/5 (44%) (10 Votes)

Black Metal has Satan's Almighty Penis, and now Heavy Metal has Nanowar. If the album's title didn't clue you in, a cursory look at the track listing will tell you that this is without any doubt a parody band. The Intro (Intrue) and Outro (Outrue) alone give a good idea of what we're going to deal with here.

Manowar are of course Nanowar's main target (they make it so easy), but you'll also find "covers" of Iron Maiden's "The Number of the Beast" (hilarious) and Metallica's "Enter Sandman" (in Italian.) The lyrics rank from ridiculously/hilariously juvenile to purely and simply hilarious, repeating key words such as true, power and metal, enough to drive you nuts. Hell they even throw in some lyrics about McDonald's Happy Meals for crying out loud! As if that wasn't enough, the melodies (such as on "King") often have a very mocking tone to them, enough to laugh without any lyrics. Let's not forget a little parody of never ending repeating choruses. There are some interludes in Italian as well. I don't know what they're saying, but it's probably fun as well.

The music. Well, overall it's surprisingly good, and when it sounds bad, they seem to be doing it on purpose for parody's sake. It's traditional heavy metal, of course often very pompous à la Manowar. The same thing can be said for the vocals: Not bad at all, but sometimes intentionally bad/retarded for the sake of parody.

Needless to say, this is for people with a sense of humour. This is good to have around when you have metal friends visiting (most of this stuff will fly over the head of non-metalheads.) Just don't expect to be musically blown away, but then again, that's not the album's - or the band's - purpose.

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