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Review: Desaster - Satan's Soldiers Syndicate
Satan's Soldiers Syndicate

Label: Metal Blade Records
Year released: 2007
Duration: 37:25
Tracks: 10
Genre: Black/Thrash


Review online: October 22, 2007
Reviewed by: Lars Christiansen
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.88/5 (77.5%) (24 Votes)

One part Absu and two parts Usurper (with the rest made up of Destroyer 666 remnants), Germany's Desaster are yet another band whose releases rarely waver in quality. Whilst never quite managing to be all conquering, these guys have that certain unknown quality which sets them apart from the bland and the boring.

With 'Satan's Soldiers Syndicate', Desaster have continued down their already well trodden blackened thrash path once again, but this time with a few minor surprises along the way (most notably in the guest appearances of Proscriptor of Absu, Alan Nemtheanga of Primordial and Ashmedi of Melechesh, all of which add greatly to the songs they appear on, rather than just passing you by unrecognized). Aggression and fury are splashed liberally throughout the primal riffs, which chug and rip equally, pounding inexorably from your speakers with the crazed drum patterns and rasping vocal work in tow. The production job makes the most of the razor-like riffs (this is probably the most polished Desaster have sounded thus far), fully allowing the speedy rhythms to get that neck snapping in time, free of all mud and murk. 'Satan's Soldiers Syndicate' also features a couple of epic arrangements which were last seen sparingly used in their earlier releases, especially notable in 'Tyrannizer', which features some later Graveland styled riffs which sit surprisingly comfortably amongst the thrashier tracks.

So, in summary it goes without saying that if you're looking for nasty, blackened thrashy metal, you could do a lot worse than picking up this latest addition to the legacy of Desaster. Unfettered thrashing black metal madness!

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