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Review: Dark Suns - Grave Human Genuine
Dark Suns
Grave Human Genuine

Label: Prophecy Productions
Year released: 2008
Duration: 58:07
Tracks: 8
Genre: Progressive Metal


Review online: April 2, 2008
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 2.42/5 (48.33%) (12 Votes)

Crapitty, crapitty, crap crap crap. When bands try to broaden their sound, sometimes they come up with something cool, but more often they create new and heretofore unknown kinds of shit. I never heard of Dark Suns before, and from the cover and song titles I was expecting something rather avant-garde, but this is just lame.

It's really hard to pin down a sound here, which I guess was what they wanted. There's a definite Opeth influence here, which is never a good sign. The songs on this album lurch and meander along with no direction or focus. The vocals are a split between nutless clean warbling and grunts. The music is filled with crashing guitars, tooting flute pieces, and pumped-up orchestral synths. This kind of thing can be done well, but here it is just lame, with no build, no tension or resolution. We are meant to be impressed by how Artful the band is, when mostly I was wondering who in their right mind would release this goose-yanking nonsense. Music for people who don't really like music, but who enjoy being pompous. Deeply sucky.

More about Dark Suns...
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