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Review: Hellacaust - Disgust

Label: Bloodbucket Productions
Year released: 2008
Duration: 31:05
Tracks: 7
Genre: Black/Thrash


Review online: February 21, 2009
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.67/5 (73.33%) (3 Votes)

A mix of Black and Thrash here, more like a "thrashened" Black Metal than the usual Black/Thrash combination.  I've spun this one quite a bit since I got it, and it always makes me think of the speedy/violent Scandinavian Black Metal outfits such as Marduk and Dark Funeral, but with a more thrashy approach.  Disgust is fast and loud and barely slows down from the first to the last second.  The vocals are a rather decipherable BM-style rasp - nothing special here, it's what you expect to hear with the genre of music, although it must be said that the vocalist does a damn good job overall - in fact they only vocal passage that I have a problem with is in the last couple of minutes on "Millennial Regression" when they all sing at the same time - this sticks out in a bad way and really doesn't fit well in here.  Every time I hear this passage, I can't help but think they're playing a practical joke on us.

Beyond the incessant, sharpened riffage and pounding drums which just fill your head to the point of approaching a metallic overload, a few speedy and visceral solos come in to put some more variety into this sonic onslaught - always appreciated, especially when they seem to come out of nowhere and leave just as expediently in a "bing bang, thank you 'mam" fashion. Overall a bit derivative, but not really generic, Disgust doesn't break any new grounds but has enough going for it to make it worth checking out for fans of the genre.

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