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Review: Temple of Sin - OHM
Temple of Sin

Label: Independent
Year released: 2008
Duration: 46:29
Tracks: 12
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: May 30, 2009
Reviewed by: MetalMike
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Rated 3/5 (60%) (2 Votes)

Temple of Sin is a Power Metal band that hails from Brazil. OHM represents their first full length release and includes some guest musicians to round out their sound, including Cede Dupont from Freedom Call on guitar and Joost Van Den Broek from After Forever on keyboards.

OHM opens up with the oddest track on the whole album. "Lady Sin" has a bluesy, groove-rock riff and vocals reminiscent of Sammy Hagar, circa Van Halen, or Jack Russell from Great White. It's not a bad song, if you like that sort of hard rock, but it is completely out of place on what, it turns out, is a pretty serviceable Power Metal album. Once you've skipped "Lady Sin," Temple of Sin starts to deliver some pretty good songs, mostly in the "Italian" style of Power Metal. Think bands like Kaledon or Arthemis, and you'll get a good idea of what OHM sounds like. "Fight for your Dreams" is a typical speedy Power Metal anthem, "Knockout" is much in the same vein and the title track "OHM" has a very catchy chorus.

Unfortunately, the wheels start to come off the wagon a bit in the second half of the disc. First off, who needs THREE tracks with intros? Not me, although the ballad "Sunset" is interesting in that it features acoustic guitar vs. the usual piano/keyboard. Interesting, but not very good. The one standout on "side two" is "Satori" with its middle-eastern sounding intro and heavy riff. It doesn't even matter that the song is seemingly sung in Japanese as vocalist Ricky Wychovaniec is hard to understand, even in English.

Overall, Temple of Sin's OHM is:

  1. not going to set the world on fire
  2. not going to win any new converts to the Power Metal fold
  3. not going to change Power Metal forever
  4. all of the above

I'm going with D.) all of the above. This isn't a bad album, but it isn't great either. Promise is shown and hopefully, Temple of Sin will expand on the good ideas, drop the ones that didn't work (bluesy songs, multiple intros) and deliver a solid disc of Power Metal next time out.

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