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Review: Destruktor - Nailed

Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Year released: 2009
Duration: 45:19
Tracks: 10
Genre: Black/Thrash


Review online: August 14, 2009
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
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Rated 3.89/5 (77.89%) (19 Votes)

Australia's Destruktor took me a bit by surprise, as I had no idea what to expect – but I liked what I heard on the first listen. I later found out that the band has members of Abominator, Deströyer 666 and Nocturnal Graves (to name a few), and inevitably this transpires in the music offered on Nailed. A mix of Black Metal, Thrash and Death Metal, this album is a slaughterfest of blasphemic madness. Dark, fast, heavy, unpolished – pretty much what you'd expect coming from members of the aforementioned bands.

This really is more of a Black/Thrash affair with Death Metal creeping in here and there in various fashion – the opener sounds a bit like The Chasm's style of melodic, evil and heavy Death Metal for a few seconds, but after that the Death influences are more of the brutally fast, in-your-face style (let's just say it right out – there's a bit of Abominator's "war metal" in there.) Save for a few passages here and there, this is mostly pretty fast-paced overall, especially with the unrelenting blast beats that almost never stop (yet never really getting on one's nerves…!) The vocals are a low, thrashy Black Metal-style rasp, more or less decipherable but evil enough to scare the uninitiated away.

My main problem with this is that it's not all that varied – it pretty much gets into gears and when you reach the end, it almost feels like you've been listening to one single song – albeit a damn good one. But let's face it; worse things can happen than being repeatedly run over by an unrelenting onslaught of blackened Thrash. Fans of the aforementioned bands will most certainly want to give this a try. It's not as good as their individual output, but that's a pretty high mark to top to begin with.

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