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Review: Paganizer - Scandinavian Warmachine
Scandinavian Warmachine

Label: Cyclone Empire
Year released: 2009
Duration: 55:41
Tracks: 16
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: September 25, 2009
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.38/5 (67.5%) (16 Votes)

You want to get kicked in the ass with a solid gut-shot of old-fashioned Swedish Death Metal? Look no further than this skull-stomping monster of a disc. Paganizer have been killing babies in the underground for something like a decade now, cranking out seven albums that steer by the light of Dismember, Carnage, and Bolt Thrower (yeah, I know Bolt Thrower aren't Swedish, shut the fuck up.) I became a convert to this band with 2002's Dead Unburied and have followed their rather uneven output ever since.

This is easily the best disc Paganizer have produced, and Scandinavian War Machine is a feast for the fan of classic-era Death Metal. There's that downtuned, buzzing guitar sound, the dry guttural vocals – nothing you haven't heard on a dozen ‘retro-death' albums. But the difference here is a kickass fistful of great riffs hitched to slamming, ballsy performances that give the thing real bite.

This is sixteen frigging tracks of killing with no instrumentals, no atmospheric interludes, just the effect of a pissed off motherfucker slamming your face into an engine block over and over snarling "This is fucking Death Metal you pussy!" This album isn't doing anything new at all, but I don't give a rat's ass, because it fucking kills anyway. Piss on evolution. Screw innovation, and fuck progression right in its ass. Grab this disc and remember why they called it Death Metal to begin with.

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