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Review: Necrophobic - Satanic Blasphemies
Satanic Blasphemies

Label: Regain Records
Year released: 2009
Duration: 40:29
Tracks: 9
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: October 6, 2009
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.45/5 (69%) (20 Votes)

This is a compilation of Necrophobic's first two Demos: Slow Asphyxiation and Unholy Prophecies, along with their debut 1993 EP The Call. As you might expect, that makes this sound rather retro, because it is retro. This is old-school Death Metal for sure, but even back in 1990 Necrophobic were not too imitative of most other Swedish bands, and this stuff packs more of a dirty, thrashy vibe. There is a definite Celtic Frost feel to some of the riffs, and the sound is primitive and raw without sounding dated. I was surprised by how unified the sound is, as I expected a big gap in production between the demos and the EP, but this all sounds like it was meant to go together. Fans of rawer Death Metal like old Hellborn or Angelcorpse should eat this shit right up. I didn't expect much from a compilation, but this is a face-ripping good time.

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