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Review: Edgend - A New Identity
A New Identity

Label: Nightmare Records
Year released: 2009
Duration: 60:37
Tracks: 11
Genre: Progressive Power Metal


Review online: March 6, 2010
Reviewed by: Bruce Dragonchaser
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.6/5 (72%) (5 Votes)

Some nice Euro Prog-Power here, a genre that has been somewhat emaciated of late, with bands concentrating on producing works that fall into the bookend categories rather than sticking them together, as Edgend have here. An odd mix of influences which work like a charm pervade the senses, with a big, challenging attack that sounds like a mix between Thy Majestie and Symphony X, with some Revoltons and Time Requiem thrown in to pan it out. Vocalist Rami Salmon has a bitching Allen-meets-LaBrie voice that really whips this thing into shape, and keyboard player David Ezuz has some of the niftiest fingers I've heard in a while, instilling some wonderful interplay with the guitars that brings the album to life. There is a lot going on, but a strong production stops it becoming cluttered, despite the many time changes and some stop-start percussion.

Song-wise, they are all pretty memorable, some opting for a full on Power Metal assault ("Acts of Disgrace") others a progressive slant ("Internal Fire"). Edgend handle both sides like seasoned pros, but there is no real originality here, only a kick ass representation of the style, and why when it's done right, it can be very good indeed.

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