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Review: Necroptic - Meticulous Pathology
Meticulous Pathology

Label: Sevared Records
Year released: 2010
Duration: 25:59
Tracks: 7
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: May 21, 2010
Reviewed by: Larry Griffin
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Rated 2.17/5 (43.33%) (6 Votes)

It says something when the most notable part of your demo is the spoken word clip about the word 'fuck' at the beginning of the first song. Necroptic are a new band who just put out their first demo last year, and it's...really boring. It isn't actively bad, but it is not really exciting in any way. It's one of those things that could very well just never have existed and nothing would ever really change in life. Or at least, in my life.

I mean, I don't want to come down too hard on this band that is just starting out, because they haven't even really had a chance to improve much yet, but this just isn't that good at all. Everything is just adequate. The vocals belch and roar in a sickly manner, the guitars go meedly meedly meedly and imitate something like a slower version of Brain Drill, and the drums click and spit out rhythms faster than the Roadrunner can out-wit Wile E. Coyote again. It's all very average. The songs are all on the same level of average but unmemorable quality, and nothing really sticks out at all. Some of the riffs are OK, but that is really about all you can say about the music on here.

The lyrics are boringly gory and even the band's name is boring. Again, on one hand, these guys are just starting out and could improve with time, but on the other, why can't you have more creativity than this? Necroptic? That's like the quintessential modern Death Metal name. Meticulous Pathology? Again, could you possibly get any more generic? This isn't fucking 1994 anymore; this kind of stuff doesn't cut it! You have to try harder to make your music stick out. I know Death Metal is just your preferred style of music, but...try harder to make it stick out! If you can use your brain to write a sequence of riffs and melodies arranged into music...why can't you just put a little effort into the adornment of it? Make some effort to entertain. This just doesn't cut it, guys.

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