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Review: TrustNo1 - Satan in the Vatican
Satan in the Vatican

Label: Twilight-Vertrieb Records
Year released: 2010
Duration: 36:17
Tracks: 10
Genre: Death/Thrash


Review online: August 26, 2010
Reviewed by: Michel Renaud
Readers' Rating
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Rated 1.54/5 (30.77%) (13 Votes)

I thought this was OK on the first cursory listen, but the more I listened to the album, the worse it got. This is advertised as Death Metal but it's more of a light Death/Thrash type of thing, and not particularly great. Except for the catchy cover art and cool/cheesy title, there isn't anything all that remarkable about this. In fact it's pretty bland – dull vocals (both the growls and clean vocals) which remind me a little of a Viking-themed Heavy Metal band I reviewed ages ago (except that the vocals didn't come out dull like this.) The music is just as dull. The guys seem to have some good ideas, but don't know what the hell to do with them and the result is some weird songwriting, to stay polite. At times I wished I could have reached and strangled the drummer. This really sounds more like cheap demo material than an official full-length release. I've heard worse (much, much worse) – as I said, the guys have interesting ideas, but they need to let them bake in the oven a little longer. Alright, I'm listening to it again while typing this and it's already lost another quarter-point, so let's end this before it gets ugly.

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