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Review: Mekong Delta - Wanderer On the Edge Of Time
Mekong Delta
Wanderer On the Edge Of Time

Label: Zardoz Music
Year released: 2010
Duration: 49:34
Tracks: 15
Genre: Thrash Metal


Review online: September 1, 2010
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.7/5 (73.91%) (23 Votes)

I have to admit that I don't really get Mekong Delta. Their sound just never seems to gel into anything I can make any sense of. They say they are "Thrash" or "Progressive Thrash" but instead they are really just proggy to the point where I lose track of whatever the hell the song was originally going. So this album is just a mess of proggy, jazzy showing off. It at least has some balls, so it is better than anything by Cynic, but it is still not compelling or coherent in any way. This is a whole pile of music without a song anywhere in sight. If you like MDs other albums, then you will probably love this, but if you want anything that makes sense or has a coherent sound or thought behind it, then you will be as bored by this as I am.

More about Mekong Delta...
Review: Lurking Fear (reviewed by Lars Christiansen)
Review: Wanderer On the Edge Of Time (reviewed by Hermer Arroyo)
Interview with Ralph "Ralf" Hubert on November 16, 2014 (Interviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)
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